Email Preferences

Users can now set the frequency, time, and format that they will receive their Client Sites email notifications. Rather than receiving daily email summaries, users can now specify how often and at what time they will receive their Client Site summary emails.

Accessing Email Preferences – The Email Preferences page can be accessed by clicking on the username in the top right corner of Client Sites, the selecting User Settings

Current Email Settings – When first entering the Email Preferences page, you will see your current selections listed the Client Sites Engagement New Files Summary Report section. By default, Clients will not receive the summary report via email.

Editing Email Settings – You can expand and collapse the settings for Client Sites Engagement New Files Summary Report, by clicking on the “+ Edit Preferences” and “- Edit Preferences” respectively.

Client Sites Engagement New Files Summary Report Email Options – Users can decide whether they receive a single email for each individual Client Site or a report that consolidates all Client Sites into a single report. Users can also set how often they want to receive their selected version of the report. Emails can be sent hourly, twice a day with user specified times, daily at a specific time, or weekly on a specified day and time, or users can choose to not receive any emails.

Email Delivery Settings – To ensure emails are received at times the user has specified, the time zone the user resides must also be set.